Santa Rosa 99s Silent Auction

This year were are  holding our Second Annual P-51 Poker Tournament. We have invited the aviation community as well as the general public. All funds raised will go to the Santa Rosa 99s and promote aviation scholarships in our community.

We are collecting raffle items for our Silent Auction at the event. If you have items to donate, please contact us »

The Santa Rosa Ninety-Nines have a long history of supporting the local aviation community. Since 1980 our 99s chapter has awarded over 44 scholarships for more than $90,000!

Become A Sponsor

We invite the business and the aviation communities to support our efforts by becoming sponsors. We have several cash sponsor programs available to fit into your charitable giving budget.

To request information about the SR99s Silent Auction or to become a sponsor, please use this form:

Sponsor Request
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The Santa Rosa Ninety-Nines is a non-profit organization that promotes aerospace education, provides aviation scholarships, and preserves the unique history of women in aviation. We provide scholarships to local women pilots as they pursue advanced ratings towards a career in aviation.

Thank you to our sponsors