2nd Annual Poker Night Hosts More Attendees and Our 2024 Scholarship Winner

The Santa Rosa 99s Wine Country Chapter hosted its 2nd Annual P-51 Poker Night on October 25, 2024.  It was another hugely successful event, 120 attendees and selling more than 172 tickets with 3 more poker tables than last year. We were so excited to see the aviation community and friends and family alike come out for a night of fun, food, libations, aviation talk, and poker. 

We exceeded our fundraising target for 2024 which allows us to continue awarding scholarships for women aviators. Including Angela Clark who won our 2024 $5,000 scholarship. She flew in with her 49 ½ to receive the award. She will use the funds for her CFI (certified flight instructor) rating. 

Dominic Cerniglio of Santa Rosa was the winner of the Poker Tournament this year and gets to enjoy a flight in a P-51.

This year again, we had incredible sponsors from aviation, wineries and distilleries, and local businesses.  Including Santa Rosa 99s member Julia Hochberg who donated the amazing venue of Sonoma Jet Center Historic Redwood Hangar. More members contributed amazing silent auction items: 

  • Tara Jasper from her Sipsong Spirits and the tournament winner’s ride in her P-51
  • Heidi Barrett of Aviatrix wine from her La Sirena Winery
  • Nancy Hayssen for a Virtual Tours map package 
  • Jeannie Schulz for Charles M. Schulz Museum goodies and tickets
  • Val Suberg for the Forever Media Transfer Box
  • Kristen Hipp for the custom painted cornhole boards

99s from all over the Bay Area chapters and beyond came to the tournament, we even had a whole table of 99s!

Thank you to our aviation and local communities for your ongoing support, and together, let’s continue to uplift and inspire aspiring aviators.

Scholarship Winner 2024

Congratulations to our Chapter Scholarship Winner, Angela Clark!

The Santa Rosa 99s are happy to announce our 2024 scholarship winner, Angela Clark. Angela attended our 2nd Annual P51 Poker Night, along with her 49 ½, to be recognized for her achievement.

Angela’s flight journey began during covid in July 2020. Right before she soloed in December, she met Mary Wich (Sutter Butte 99s) who encouraged her to join the 99s. She earned her PPL in early 2021 and was on her way to achieve her aviation dreams with support and scholarships from the 99s.

Angela continued to immerse herself in the world of aviation. She received a High Performance endorsement in 2021, became the International Ninety-Nines Facebook Admin, a pylon judge at the Reno Air Races, took other ladies flying with her as often as she could, and pushed on after challenges with instructors to earn her instrument rating in March 2023.

She won the Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship which funded her Commercial Certificate and then continued to earn her Advanced Ground Instructor and Instrument Ground Instructor, teaching both in person classes and over video.

With the Santa Rosa 99s scholarship, Angela is expecting to complete her CFI next.

1st Annual P51 Poker Tournament Congratulations

Congratulations to the winner of the 1st Annual P51 Poker Tournament

Marlon Young

The Santa Rosa 99s Wine Country Chapter took flight on November 10th, hosting our very first P51 Poker Night, and it was a soaring success.

With tremendous support from our aviation community and friends, we sold over 120 tickets, drawing poker players of all skill levels who bought in at $99,. We exceeded our fundraising target, raising funds for our aviation scholarships

Our event found its wings at the historic Redwood Hangar, graciously provided by Sonoma Jet Center. It’s worth noting that the center’s owner, Julia Hochberg, is a 99 herself. This gathering took place at our home field, The Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport (KSTS).

The tournament took place at 12 poker tables, each accommodating eight players. A professional company ensured an authentic poker experience with dealers, tables, and poker chips. Attendees enjoyed a pay bar including 99 Tara Jasper’s Sipsong Spirits, amazing tacos from a local taco truck, delectable treats from 99 Jen Demarest of Baker and Cook, and a silent auction with dozens of incredible items from local sponsors including wine from 99 Heidi Barrett, Aviatrix label. We were honored to have Santa Rosa 99s Charter member Jeannie Schulz contribute ‘Snoopy’ auction items from the Charles M. Schulz Museum.

Our 2023 Chapter scholarship recipient, Christine Koenigsecker, added to the celebration by flying in to accept her award for her multi-engine land rating. The overwhelming enthusiasm from attendees has us planning for the future. Many have inquired about the event becoming a yearly tradition, and we’re excited to confirm that it will be!

We invite fellow 99s chapters to join us in celebrating this remarkable evening and exploring how such an event could benefit your scholarship fund. Thank you for your ongoing support, and together, let’s continue to uplift and inspire aspiring aviators.


Aircraft Spruce

Baker and Cook Sonoma

Bella Rosa Coffee Co.

Benziger Family Winery

Breathless Sparkling Wines

Brightline Bags

Charles M. Schulz Museum

Comstock Wines

Costeaux French Bakery

Dunstan Wines

Emment-Scorsone Wines

Encore Events Rentals

Haven O’Halloran Realtor


Sonoma Hotel Trio Healdsburg

Indian Springs Resort

Jeannie Schulz

Joseph Phelps Vineyard

Ketchem Estate Vineyard & Winery

La Sirena Wines

Mad Fritz Napa Valley

Movewell Pilates Healdsburg

Napa Valley Bike Tours


Sipsong Spirits

Sonoma Jet Center

Snoopy’ s Home Ice and Gift Shop

Sonoma Brothers Distilling

Stemple Creek Ranch

The Matheson

Williamson Wines



2023 SR99s Chapter Scholarship Winner

Congratulations to 2023 Scholarship Winner Christine Koenigsecker

Christine will use her award to complete her Multi-Engine Rating. She currently is a flight instructor at for Sunshine Flyers at the Auburn Airport. She is a member of the Reno High Sierra 99s and very active in the aviation community. 

She flew to KSTS to receive her award at our 1st Annual P51 Poker Tournament. The Santa Rosa 99s wishes you all the success in your aviation achievements.

Scholarship Winner Christine and Angela

1st Annual P-51 Poker Tournament


Aircraft Spruce

Baker and Cook Sonoma

Bella Rosa Coffee Co.

Benziger Family Winery

Breathless Sparkling Wines

Brightline Bags

Charles M. Schulz Museum

Comstock Wines

Costeaux French Bakery

Dunstan Wines

Emment-Scorsone Wines

Encore Events Rentals

Haven O’Halloran Realtor


Sonoma Hotel Trio Healdsburg

Indian Springs Resort

Jeannie Schulz

Joseph Phelps Vineyard

Ketchem Estate Vineyard & Winery

La Sirena Wines

Mad Fritz Napa Valley

Movewell Pilates Healdsburg

Napa Valley Bike Tours


Sipsong Spirits

Sonoma Jet Center

Snoopy’ s Home Ice and Gift Shop

Sonoma Brothers Distilling

Stemple Creek Ranch

The Matheson

Williamson Wines



Pleas join the Santa Rosa 99s for our First Annual P-51 Poker Tournament. Nov. 10, 2023 at the Sonoma Jet Center at the Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport.

The event will support our Aviation Scholarship program.

Kristen Stimpert Flies with AirSF


The Santa Rosa 99s congratulates Kristen Stimpert on new job with AirSF.  Kristen will be flying SIC in the Pilatus PC12. She will split her time between flying, business development and dispatch support. This is such a great opportunity for Kristen and utilizes her business background and experiences to help grow the company.

AirSF(www.airsf.com) offers private charters with the Pilatus PC12 in the western States.

Alexis Vincent 1st Solo

Please join the Santa Rosa 99s in congratulations to Alexis Vincent on her 1st solo in a P35 Bonanza.  Alexis soloed on February 7, 2022 at the Napa Airport.